Volunteer With Us!
Photo Credit: Edwige Moses/NPS
Photo Credit: Edwige Moses/NPS
Saturday, January 25, 2025; 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, & 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Join us on Jan. 25 for the inaugural Winter Play Day at Crosby Farm Regional Park. Family-friendly outdoor winter activities like cross-country skiing, fat tire biking, snowshoeing, guided hikes, and more will be offered. Learn more about the event here.
Volunteers are needed to help set up activity stations with equipment and supplies, stock and maintain fire pits, assist recreation partners with activity stations, greet attendees, and tear down/load out supplies at the end of the event. Shifts are two hours – allowing plenty of time to enjoy the event before or after a shift. No special skills are needed. Volunteers need to dress appropriately as this role is outdoors during wintertime.
Our monthly Volunteers-In-Parks e-newsletter announces upcoming volunteer opportunities throughout the park, volunteer team updates, and more. Sign up to stay informed on all things volunteer-related!
It is the end of 2024, and our Volunteer-is-Parks program for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area had another great year! Volunteers supported field trips, restored and enhanced the natural areas around the corridor, assisted with and led fun programming events, and so much more. This fiscal year (October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024) we had 1,494 volunteers contribute 17,503 service hours to the Volunteers-in-Parks Program.
On May 10th, 2024, Mississippi Park Connection and National Park Service staff worked together to install 525 trees into the Science Museum gravel bed.
As spring emerges, so do the unique strategies of animals in the Mississippi River corridor, from the deep hibernation of little brown bats to the remarkable migrations of monarch butterflies and birds, all while climate change threatens their delicate balance, urging us to consider their resilience amidst the beauty of the season.
The Volunteers-In-Parks Program for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area is co-managed by the National Park Service and Mississippi Park Connection. Feel free to email miss_volunteer@nps.gov, volunteer@parkconnection.org, or call the MPC Volunteer Coordinator number at 651-291-9119.