Mississippi Park Connection partners with the National Park Service to restore river habitat and protect natural spaces within the park corridor and beyond. Volunteers, land managers, partners, and our Mississippi River Crew play a vital role in our efforts.
Plant For The Future
The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area’s urban forest faces increasing pressure from invasive pests, a changing climate, and challenges with regeneration. As the park faces these challenges, Mississippi Park Connection is committed to building resilience in the urban forest through new and ongoing environmental stewardship initiatives.
Mni Owe Sni / Coldwater Spring
Mni Owe Sni / Coldwater Spring is situated between Minnehaha Falls Regional Park and Fort Snelling State Park. Previously home to the Bureau of Mines Twin Cities Research Center, the National Park Service acquired responsibility for the property in 2010 and has since worked with Mississippi Park Connection to restore the area to an oak savanna prairie habitat.
Past Projects
All of our work is interconnected. One project or program often spurs the next or evolves in to something different and bigger than we imagined. Learn about past and ongoing projects that inspire the work we are doing today.
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