Volunteer-in-Parks (VIP) FY 2024 Review
Each year, thousands of volunteers contribute thousands more hours for the national park. Volunteers are an integral part of our programming and support the efforts of our park rangers daily. Through the time and commitment of our generous volunteers, we are better able to protect and preserve vital resources for the future. Volunteers are formally recognized each year at events hosted by the park and its partners.
It is the end of 2024, and our Volunteer-is-Parks program for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area had another great year! Volunteers supported field trips, restored and enhanced the natural areas around the corridor, assisted with and led fun programming events, and so much more. This fiscal year (October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024) we had 1,494 volunteers contribute 17,503 service hours to the Volunteers-in-Parks Program.
This year, we recognized several volunteers and groups that helped make this year exceptional. Volunteer photographer duo Kurt and Edwige Moses won the Individual Impact Award. They have photographed over a dozen events, programs, and other park activities this year, providing invaluable skills to highlight all the programs. Check out our Capturing Conservation interview article that highlights their journey into photography, favorite park moments, and more.
The Team Impact award winner this year is our Coldwater Crew. The crew remained consistent and flexible throughout the year. Every Thursday morning, the crew members perform activities to enhance Mni Owe Sni/Coldwater Spring, like removing buckthorn, mulching trails, and restoring prairie and oak savannah habitats.
We had a new award this year to celebrate new volunteers. Urmi (last name) was awarded Rookie of the year for volunteering on eight Trails & Rails trips and connecting with over 1,000 Amtrack passengers. She also volunteered on Big River Journey field trips and habitat restoration events.
Lastly, the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) volunteer program, including Crosby Crew and phenology program, earned the Midwest Regional Innovation Award for the Excellence of Volunteerism Program. This award recognizes a volunteer initiative within a park or program that demonstrated significant innovation or creativity in meeting a park/program goal or need through volunteerism. Thank you to all who have volunteered with the ASCC project!
From engaging with the public, planting native trees, or educating youth about the river, volunteers make it possible for the National Park Service to enhance and restore the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. Thank you to all who have shared your time and talents with the park. If you are inspired to volunteer, check out our opportunities at parkconnection.org/volunteer. We hope to see you around the park!