Introducing Savanna

This past summer, Savanna led the park's annual acoustic monitoring study of the Twin Cities Mississippi corridor and coordinated the placement and movement of acoustic monitors across 28 field sites along the Mississippi River. Imagine a green 5”x 7” box attached to a small (but mighty) microphone on a long pole and extended out along trails, roads, and other cutlines that bats use for flyways. 

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Meet River Educator, Lora Pederson!

There is more push in education to teach students in expansive ways, including not only honoring the wealth of knowledge students bring on their own but also with engaging students in critical thinking, problem-solving, and interest-based learning. I believe this sets students up to build positive learning identities which in turn brings more opportunity and joy to learning. 

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Farewell Ranger Cory Mohn

Seasonal Ranger Cory finished his season this October, and his scientific knowledge, stories, and leadership will be missed. Before he left, he wanted to say a goodbye to all the volunteers he’s worked with this summer:

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