Farewell Ranger Cory Mohn

Cory talking about the Mississippi River with volunteers.

Seasonal Ranger Cory finished his season this October, and his scientific knowledge, stories, and leadership will be missed. Before he left, he wanted to say a goodbye to all the volunteers he’s worked with this summer:

As my 4th season as a park ranger here at Mississippi National River and Recreation Area comes to an end, I’m realizing that it’s hitting me a little bit harder this year. This is the first time I’m leaving and expecting that I won’t be coming back next year. The quest for a permanent position often leads a ranger to new locations, and it’s time for me to finish that quest.

Over the past 4 summers I have had the privilege of working with many great volunteers. It might have been at a visitor center, at a habitat restoration project, or an educational field trip. We got to trade stories and share experiences. I have learned a lot from you, and you helped me become the ranger that I am today. I hope each of you have had a chance to sample my weather knowledge, either in person or through one of my writings.

As a group of volunteers, you have impressed me more than any other group of volunteers I’ve worked with. You bring such a vast amount of collective knowledge and treat each other with respect. I am proud to have seen everything you’ve accomplished in the park together. A group of people who truly make a difference in the world instead of just talking about it!

This year, I started asking a question when I had groups of volunteers introduce themselves. What do you consider to be home? I explained that this could be taken either literally or figuratively. The point of the question being that we can learn a lot about other people, including what is important to them, simply by listening to them describe what home means to them. I’ll briefly tell you what home is to me.

Home is St. Paul and the Twin Cities. It is camping, hiking, and kayaking. It’s also the forests, the rocks, and the water. Home has people who make the world a better place. It’s a place where I can learn new things and grow. Home is any time that I can experience the rain, snow, and storms. It’s a place where wild animals roam free. Home is a place to explore, but it’s also something familiar I can come back to.

Home is a group of friends I can howl at the moon with. (Seriously, if you haven’t tried it yet you should.) The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area is home to me. It’s where I was born into the life of a park ranger. It’s where I learned and practiced the skills of interpretation. But most importantly it’s where you are. Thank you for being here as I started my journey, for supporting me and teaching me.

Ranger Cory Mohn

Thank you Ranger Cory for all you’ve done for the Mississippi River and VIP Program and best wishes on your journey!
