Volunteers-in-Parks Equity & Inclusion Resources

Parks are for everyone. Check out our blog post about racism in parks for more background on our stance. Below are some resources and links for you to include in your learning. Educating ourselves is just one of many ways to be more effective and inclusive citizens in our mission to connect our community with the Mississippi River.

AmazeWorks Recommended Reading and Resources

AMAZEworks trainers provided staff, volunteers, and MPC board members training to provide actionable steps to help us become more diverse, equitable and inclusive organizations. The initial workshops will serve to create a foundation of shared language and understanding allowing us to look more intentionally at the work we do and the way we do it.

In addition, AmazeWorks has provided some recommended reading materials to further your learning:

  • Deep Diversity by Shakil Choudhury

  • Blindspot by Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald

  • Microaggressions in Everyday Life by Derald Wing Sue

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond

  • How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram Kendi

Amazeworks also recommends the following resources:

  • White Fragility by Robin Diangelo

  • So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

  • Whistling Vivaldi by Claude Steele

Implicit Association Tests (IATs)

Have you ever wondered how a person might learn if they are bias? Project Implicit offers one tool to provide insight into the answer to that question through a series of quick online tests. Some of the test topics are on gender, religion, race, disability, and sexuality. Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition – thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to education the public about hidden biases.

Defining Racism

This article from Dismantling Racism Works defines racism along with other terminology that are used when discussing racism in our society. The three ways that racism is expressed in society is explained as well as the cycle of oppression and the conditions that need to be met for oppression to continue. Additional videos and resources are scattered throughout the article so you can dive deeper into related topics such as equality versus equity.

Melanin Basecamp Guide to Outdoor Allyship

Melanin Basecamp is your home base for diversity in outdoor adventure sports. The purpose of Melanin Basecamp is to inspire you with weekly content from Black, Brown, Asian, Indigenous and Queer People of Color who love the outdoors. This article provides insight and guidelines for being an active ally to BIPOC communities in the outdoors.

Outside Voices Podcast

Outside Voices Podcast is driven by one simple idea: that the outdoors belongs to all of us. We all have a relationship to nature, whether through hiking, gardening, surfing, sacred ceremony or gathering at the local park. We aim to celebrate and amplify those who don’t always see themselves reflected in the “Great Outdoors” narrative.

Diversity and the Environment Webinar Series

This webinar series was presented by the Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience at Antioch University. From the presenters: “Environmental studies is an interdisciplinary and global field where diversity of backgrounds and approaches is essential for its evolution. The diversity webinar series will provide education on diversity in environmental studies and promote the participation of women, people of color, and other minority groups in the environmental field. We will highlight the barriers for minorities in the environmental field and strategies for improving diversity and inclusion in research, education, and practice.”