The River Creates Community


By Katie Nyberg, Executive Director, Mississippi Park Connection
John Anfinson, Superintendent, Mississippi National River and Recreation Area

Originally published in our Spring/Summer 2020 print newsletter; repurposed for web in 2020.

Two people are out on the Mississippi River canoeing while off in the distance is Saint Paul. It's a clear and sunny day and tons of trees along the shoreline of the Mississippi.

In times of joy and peace or sorrow and uncertainty, parks are an essential community space and resource. Just within the boundaries of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, we see people benefiting from outdoor spaces in a myriad of ways.

Parks serve as places to socialize, celebrate and connect. We come to the river to decompress, relax and rejuvenate, seeking the healing aspects of nature for our mental health and wellbeing. Hundreds of miles of walking, biking and boating trails winding through thousands of acres of prairie, forest and water form a massive outdoor gym and recreation area.

The unique composition of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area also brings together researchers, land managers and members of the public to form a river community devoted to strengthening the park’s ecosystem in a changing climate.

The river encourages a rewilding of our own spirit, inspiring play and a sense of freedom. Walking through a forest or prairie provides a unique opportunity to explore and learn how the earth and all its inhabitants are interconnected. The river is integral to the stories of many cultures and communities both past and present that reconnect us to our place in the world.

Parks bring community back in balance by providing needed support. When we care for the river, we are caring for our community. As you explore the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area this summer, take a minute to pause and experience your senses in the outdoors. Breathe in, feel the earth, hear the wind, and immerse yourself in nature’s wealth.
