Mississippi Park Connection provides opportunities for people to get to and on the river—and have a national park experience in the Twin Cities.
In partnership with the National Park Service, our youth education, community engagement, and environmental stewardship programs connect people to their national park.
Become a member!
When you become a member of Mississippi Park Connection, you will share a commitment to supporting and protecting the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area— the national park in the heart of the Twin Cities.  
Winter Events
Registration is now OPEN for Winter events in your National Park! Browse the robust calendar of upcoming events and plan a day out to connect with your park. Bring a friend or plan to meet someone new. Or seek out a place for a moment of reflection and solitude. Whatever you choose, the river is here for you.
Mississippi River Learning Center
+ National Park Service Headquarters
The Mississippi River Learning Center will host year-round environmental, cultural, and historical education and recreation opportunities that are integrated into the region’s routines, traditions, and collective identity. We will build a river-centered community that values the Mississippi and will care for it in the future.

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