National Park Service

National Park Service job listings for the Mississippi National River and Recreation can be found on If you would like more information or would like to receive notification when positions open, please contact: Sam Harden,, 651-293-8478.

Free Virtual Workshops: Federal Jobs and Resumes

If you are interested in applying for a position, now is a great time to get your resume ready! Positions close once the applicant limit is reached, so it’s very important to be ready to apply right away. Watch a recording of a virtual workshop to learn best practices for preparing your resume for federal employment opportunities, navigating the website, and filling out federal job applications. This is a great opportunity for students, prospective employees, local applicants, not-so-local applicants, and career services professionals. The workshops are lead by the Volunteer Program Manager for Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, and the Relevancy, Diversity, and Inclusion Program Manager for the Midwest Region.

Watch these videos for insider tips from a National Park Service ranger on how to apply for a federal job!